Notoriety (n) famous for some bad quality or dead

The notoriety of chasing and chain snatching in the downtown area keeps many tourists and locals from visiting that part of the tourist town.

When readers and bibliophiles heard the notoriety surrounding the romance novel by Kushwant Singh, they bought the book to see if it really was as naughty as rumored.

Because of the politician’s notoriety for money laundering and violence, he has been denied permission to enter several countries.

Although Prem Chopra served his time in Tihar Jail, he still received a chilly reception from his followers because of the notoriety of his crime.

Novelty (n) innovation; something new

It is hard to imagine that Television sets were a novelty in the 1980s.

Once the novelty wears off, most of these electronic appliances just sit in the house, unused for months.

Kids all around the world are waiting to see what novelty the toy & game manufacturer will come out with next.

In order to purchase the company’s new smartphone novelty, one must stand in a long queue.

It is a novelty for our local bikers to ride across the border.

Novice (n) beginner, inexperienced person

As a novice writer, he makes some fundamental errors.

This is quite a difficult software program for novice programmers to write.

Novice drivers are responsible for a large portion of all accidents in our major cities.

At work, she is a supremely confident tester, but with her first presentation at the board meeting, she is a skittish novice.

One needs to identify the subtle nuances in the two seemingly identical pictures to solve the puzzle

Because she is a software tester, Maya notices every nuance of Finance app.


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